Day 4 -

Fourth Day

Brahman, attributeless Reality,
Becomes the Lord of Love who casts his net
Of appearance over the cosmos and rules
It from within through divine power,
He was before creation; he will be
After dissolution. He alone is.
Those who know him become immortal.
The uncontrolled mind
Does not guess that the Atman (soul) is present
How can it meditate?
Without meditation, where is peace?
Without peace, where is happiness?

The Bhagavad Gita edited and translated by Swami Prabhavananada and Christopher Isherwood

Brahman is God, the Lord of Love, existing in timelessness. If we just hurry through life and do not take the time to be in timelessness within meditation, then we have a difficult time finding any peace or happiness. When we do spend some moments in meditation every day, then we can know God, know that our souls are immortal, know our connection with all that is. Meditation comes with practice. After learning to concentrate, we can be in an effortless state, meditation, and allow God’s presence to fill us with love and peace.

The Bhagavad Gita (Song of God) is part of a large text called the Mahabharata and is a favorite in India because it distills the lessons of Hinduism from Vedic literature. It is also seen as one of the most beautiful poetic descriptions of the Perennial Philosophy which comes from many cultures and across religions. This philosophy has 4 main precepts: 1) that the world of matter and consciousness arose from the Divine; 2) that humans can know the Divine and realize it existence by intuition; 3) that humans can forego the little ego self and place more identity with Spirit; and 4) the purpose of life is to know God.

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