Day 5 -

Fifth day

The ignorant work
For the fruit of their action:
The wise must work also
But without desire
Pointing man’s feet
To the path of duty.

Let the wise beware
Lets they bewilder
The minds of the ignorant
Hungry for action:
Let them show by example
How work is holy
When the heart of the worker
Is fixed on the Highest.

The Bhagavad Gita edited and translated by Swami Prabhavananada and Christopher Isherwood

To live in spirit, we must let go of the fruit of our actions. This means we do our best on every job, in every work we take up and let go of the results. We only have control over ourselves and we cannot attach ourselves to the results of our work with ego. By keeping our minds, hearts, souls on the spirit of the Highest, the Infinite, God, we can do our duty and be unattached to the results.

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for sharing this very informative post
    Great post, this is informative and well made.

    Ethics of bhagavad gita
